Saturday, July 11, 2015

Clayton #5843: Now With Wheels

While the parts on their own looked good I thought it was worth showing you how the loco looks roughly assembled with wheels fitted.

Obviously the axles need cutting down in length, but they were just fitted to test that the bearings were nicely aligned and that the chassis would roll freely. Unfortunately I found that the holes for the bearings were slightly too small. I'd intended brass bearings to be a push fit into the print but I had to ream out the holes slightly for the bearings to fit. This was easy enough to do for the wheels, but the holes for the layshaft bearings are harder to access so they will need to be made slightly bigger on the next print to make life easier.


  1. Looks the business. The next print should slip together with no trouble. I doubt it but can hope.

    1. I hope the next one will fit together easier as well, but I don't think any of the problems with this one are insurmountable which is god.

  2. It looks great- and now it reminds me that there is/was one of these at Maernofferen until recently...I will look out my photos. It has a great deal of character even in the unpainted state, you must be very pleased!

    1. Thanks Iain, I'm even happier now I've managed to get the motor to fit by filing down the mounting clip.

      My understanding was that the Woodhead loco was a one off as it had bigger wheels than their standard model.That could be wrong though and even if the Maernofferen one is their standard design any photos would be useful as they all help with detailing etc.

    2. I think you are right...the wheels are bigger. I've sent you the photos anyway :-)
