So having been quite happy in yesterday's post about how accurate my model of the bridge up on Duchal Moor had turned out, today I'll move onto a detail I got wrong.
Virtually ever photo I'd been able to find of the bridge was either taken from the tracks or at eye level standing next to the stream. Neither of these views allowed you to see any details under the sleepers between the two support beams. Having now been kindly provided with a large number of detailed photos by Bobby I can see exactly how the bridge is constructed and I've made one crucial mistake. I'd assumed that the girders were I section beams but they are actually C shaped in section. While you probably wouldn't notice the difference on the model, the different shape would stop me adding some of the other details I now know about. Fortunately removing the girders from the rail only involved some careful use of a modelling knife to break the glue.
Measurement wise though I was again fairly close. I'd been using I beams that were 2.4mm tall which would equate to 7 1/4 inches and Bobby measured them at 20cm tall or just over 7 3/4 inches so close enough. Now while I could buy C section beam of the same height I'm instead going to cut off bits of the I to turn it into a C as that will give me a more accurate width as the real beams are 3.5cm thick so should be less than 0.5mm at this scale whereas the plastic C beam would be 1mm wide.
This is going to be the definitive model...perhaps the only one, so it is as well to get it right as you are doing. It's amazing how important something like this becomes once you get started...most people wouldn't notice, but you know, which is where the satisfaction lies.
ReplyDeleteYes once I'd spotted it was wrong and what else it would stop me doing then the I beams had to go. I doubt anyone would have ever noticed, especially as seeing the bottom of the bridge on the diorama won't be easy unless you pick it, but I'd know and if I'm trying to model a specific bridge I might as well do it properly. It's also nice to be able to record accurately details of a bridge that will eventually disappear, or at least deteriorate so badly that details will be lost forever.